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A member registered Sep 17, 2021

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This was a very fun one.  Delightfully odd concept and well executed.  I've been enjoying this one quite a bit in my spare time.

This was highly entertaining.  Haven't gotten all the endings yet, but what did happen was, at very least, odd.

Fun game.  Oddly addicting and with some funny moments.  Looking forward to the full version.

Played this one.  Know that in spite of my loss of temper and sanity, I did enjoy it.

Had a great time with this game and it was the perfect way to celebrate my return to my channel as well as Christmas.

I wasn't sure what to expect from this one and have to say it was a really effective horror experience.

Fun time with this one.  Wasn't able to find the fourth ending, but I'm probably just dense.

This was a fun one, really captured that uncomfortable atmosphere, and in many ways (at least at the beginning) relatable.

I had quite a bit of fun with this one.  Also a very pretty game with lots of delightful weirdness.

I admit that I played very badly, but I did have a good time.

A great stress-reliever, and excellent fun to play.

This was a fun one...and very believable should a dog ever end up "haunting".

Good game with just enough weirdness to keep the atmosphere creepy and keep me suspicious of what was going on.

This was a fun and interesting one.  Makes me want more game in this world with these mechanics.

This game was both entertaining and highly uncomfortable and I'm totally here for both.

This one spooked me much harder than expected.  Well done here.

No regrets whatever.  This was well worth experiencing.

Seems you really found your stride with the idea in this game.  Well done.  Confusing, hillarious, and with a couple of good scares too.

I'll admit, I wasn't expecting anything I got as far as the endings go.

This had some good scares and a very entertaining premise.  I liked it.

This game was very well done.  Always did like the innocent appearance/dark lore contrast.

Pirates and exploding chickens.  What more could I ask from a game?

Simple concept, gameplay easy to pick up, and delightfully silly premise.  Could easily become addictive.

Short and sweet.  I hope I didn't miss any by mistake.

This one got deeper than I thought it would.

Enjoyed this one, although I'm sure I missed some things.

I'm having a grand time with this one.  Hillarious dialogue and delightfully flexible gameplay mechanics.

As always, Dema Studios is full of surprises both delightful and confusing.  Well done. 

It was an experience.  Never fished like this before.

This was a real goodie.  Keep up the awesomeness, 'cause I want to play the whole thing when it's out.

Wasn't sure what I was expecting, but this is what I got...and I've no regrets.

This may seem an odd statement, but this was just the kind of weird I needed at the time.

Fun game, despite how salty I got about my repeated failures, but the boss character is the perfect target for getting salty at.

I found this game highly confusing (in the best possible way) and quite fun to play.  I think I figured out what was going on, but am still unsure.

Delightful game, the art design both impressed and made me chuckle a lot, and the puzzle was cleverly put together.

This one caught me off guard with the very real behind the surreal.  Great game.

(1 edit)

Thanks for bringing this to my attention (and of course making it.)  A joy to play, such a laugh.

I always enjoy an animal pov style game and this was tremendous fun.

Thanks for this one.  Lost my own cat recently, so playing this was rather theraputic.

I like the mechanics under which this game is played.  Unique, fun, and simple enough to master quickly.